Apr 9, 2011

Looking at Jesus

As you probably already know  I was challenged to read the gospels for my devotions. For the longest time I put it off because to try to tackle such big books for me was really challenging especially since there is SO much in there, I had no idea where to start. So about a month ago I decided to read through the book of Mark since it was the shortest it was a good place to start. So I am continuing my adventure through mark reading through it learning about Jesus and who he is and what he done.

A few days ago I was reading Marks version of Jesus walking on water which is actually really different then the other gospels. Mark story places all the focus on Jesus and Peter is not really mentioned. This story for me reminded me and brought to a different light who Jesus is. So first off as everyone knows Jesus is compassionate but here we learn to the extreme. He neglects his own hunger to help people. Jesus loves to be alone and talk to his father. He took specific time out and talked to him. We can learn from that. Jesus is a night hawk. He was out between 3-6am taking a walk on water.....yes Jesus for his evening strolls walks on water. That both made me laugh and I was also amazed. He was walking towards the disciples because they were having great difficulty rowing and he was about to walk passed them when they cried out because they thought it was a ghost. Jesus told them to take faith, courage and to not be afraid. And then the storm and winds were calm. I was kinda confused about why he was going to walk on by and I wonder what Jesus felt like when his best friends thought that he was a ghost. (though the general person doesn't go for a midnight stroll on a lake) so here you see Jesus awesome power. The variety of characteristics that are describe in such a small chapter is incredible and from this small passage I have learned so much about him!

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